Salesforce Certification Administrator: How to ace the exam?

Salesforce Certification Administrator: How to ace the exam?

Salesforce Certification Administrator: How to ace the exam?

Salesforce is one of the most popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms used by businesses worldwide. With its growing popularity, the demand for Salesforce Certified professionals and certifications has also increased, particularly for Salesforce Certification Administrator. According to a recent report by Indeed, the average salary for a Salesforce Administrator is $86,310 per year in the United States.

However, obtaining the Salesforce Certification Administrator credential is not an easy feat. The exam is challenging and requires a comprehensive understanding of the Salesforce platform, its features, and its functionalities. Moreover, if you are planning to pursue Salesforce Certification Administrator, passing the exam on your first try is crucial. It not only demonstrates your knowledge and expertise but also saves you time and money in retaking the exam.

In this blog post, we will guide you on how to prepare and pass the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam on your first try. We will cover the exam format, study materials, study plan, and exam day tips to help you succeed in your certification journey. So, let’s dive in and get started!

Understanding the Salesforce Certification Administrator Exam

To prepare effectively for the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam, it is essential to understand the exam format, topics, and objectives. Additionally, this section will provide an overview of the exam to help you familiarize yourself with its structure and content.

Exam Format

According to the trailhead, the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam is a multiple-choice, proctored exam that comprises 60 questions. The exam duration is 105 minutes, and a passing score of 65% is required to obtain the certification. The exam fee is $200 plus taxes, and $100 plus taxes for the retake.

Exam Topics and Objectives

The Salesforce Certification Administrator exam covers various topics related to the Salesforce platform, its features, and its functionalities. Some of the key topics covered in the exam are:

  1. Salesforce Security
  2. Salesforce Data Management
  3. Salesforce Automation
  4. Salesforce Reporting and Dashboards
  5. Salesforce User Setup and Management
  6. Salesforce AppExchange

The exam objectives are designed to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the Salesforce platform’s core features and how they can be utilized to meet business requirements.

Exam Prerequisites and Requirements

Before taking the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of Salesforce concepts and functionalities. Additionally, it is recommended to complete the Salesforce Administrator Trailhead module and has at least six months of experience working with Salesforce.

Types of Questions to Expect 

The Salesforce Certification Administrator exam comprises different types of questions, including scenario-based, multiple-choice, and true/false questions. Additionally, understanding the question format and how to answer them correctly is essential to improve your chances of passing the exam.

So, understanding the exam format, topics, and objectives is crucial for preparing effectively for the Salesforce Certification exam. The following section will cover how to prepare for the exam to increase your chances of passing it on your first try.

If you wish to learn more about salesforce, you can read our blog on what is salesforce cloud. You will be able to learn everything about this platform, from benefits to tips on how to use it.

Preparing for the Exam

Preparing for the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam requires a comprehensive study plan. That includes the appropriate study materials and hands-on experience with the Salesforce platform. In this section, we will guide how to prepare for the exam effectively.

  • Choosing the Right Study Materials: Choosing the relevant study materials is crucial for preparing for the exam effectively. Some recommended study materials include the official Salesforce Certification Administrator study guide, Trailhead module, and online courses and tutorials.
  • Creating a Study Plan: Creating a study plan is essential for organizing your study sessions and ensuring you cover all the exam topics. Your study plan should include a timeline, study materials, and a practice exam schedule. Make sure to allocate enough time for each exam topic. Along with practice exams to improve your chances of passing the exam on your first try.
  • Joining Study Groups and Communities: Joining study groups and communities is a helpful way to connect with other salesforce professionals. You can ask questions, get feedback, and exchange study materials and resources.
  • Setting Up a Salesforce Developer Account: Having hands-on experience with the Salesforce platform is essential for passing the exam. Setting up a Salesforce Developer account can provide you with an opportunity to practice and experiment with Salesforce features and functionalities.
  • Taking Practice Exams and Quizzes: Taking practice exams and quizzes is an effective way to measure your progress and identify areas that need improvement. You can find online practice exams and quizzes, including official Salesforce practice exams, to help you prepare for the exam.

Preparing for the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam requires dedication, effort, and a comprehensive study plan. The next section will cover exam day tips to help you succeed in your certification journey.

Salesforce Administrator Exam Day Tips

Salesforce Administrator Exam Day Tips

On exam day, it’s essential to be well-prepared and confident to improve your chances of passing the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam. So, in this section, we will provide exam-day tips to help you succeed.

  • Get Enough Rest and Eat Well: Getting enough rest and eating well can help you feel energized and focused. According to a study by Harvard Medical School, sleep deprivation can affect cognitive performance, including memory, attention, and decision-making.
  • Arrive Early and Be Prepared: Arriving early at the exam center can give you enough time to get settled and mentally prepare for the exam. Make sure to bring your identification documents. That involves a government-issued ID, and any other necessary materials, such as a calculator.
  • Read the Questions Carefully: Reading the exam questions carefully and understanding what they are asking is crucial for answering them correctly. Pay attention to keywords, such as “not” or “except,” that can change the question’s meaning.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Managing your time wisely during the exam is crucial, considering you have 90 minutes to answer 60 questions. Make sure to allocate enough time for each question and avoid spending too much time on a single question.
  • Use the Mark for Review Feature: The Mark allows you to flag questions that you are unsure of or need to review later. You can come back to these questions later and review them before submitting your exam.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: Staying calm and focused during the exam can help you avoid making careless mistakes and improve your chances of passing. Taking deep breaths, stretching, or closing your eyes for a few seconds can help you relax and refocus.

After the Salesforce Certification Exam

Furthermore, after taking the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam, it’s essential to take some time to reflect on your exam experience and plan your next steps. In this section, we will guide what to do after the exam.

  • Check Your Exam Results: After completing the exam, you will receive your results immediately. The passing score for the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam is 65%. So, you will receive a score report that indicates your performance in each exam section.
  • Celebrate Your Success: If you clear the exam, take the time to celebrate your success! Passing the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam is a significant achievement that can boost your career and earning potential. Share your accomplishment with your colleagues, friends, and family.
  • Analyze Your Exam Performance: If you didn’t pass the exam, take some time to analyze your exam performance and identify areas that need improvement. Review your score report and focus on the exam sections where you performed poorly. Use this information to develop a targeted study plan for retaking the exam.
  • Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile: Passing the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam can improve your chances of getting hired and advancing your career. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight your certification and skills. 
  • Plan for Further Certification: After passing the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam, you may want to plan for further certification to enhance your skills and career prospects. Consider pursuing advanced certifications, such as the Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator or Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant.

In conclusion, passing the Salesforce Certification Administrator exam is a significant accomplishment that can boost your career prospects. Whether you passed or not, take time to reflect on your exam experience and plan for the future.


In conclusion, Salesforce Certification Administrator is a highly valuable certification for professionals looking to advance their careers in the field of Salesforce administration. Thus, with the appropriate preparation, dedication, and focus, passing the exam on your first try is possible. At Cymetrix, we understand the importance of Salesforce Certification Administrator and the impact it can have on your career. That’s why we offer comprehensive training programs and resources to help you prepare for the exam and succeed.

So, whether you are looking to advance your career or enhance your skills, take the first step today and explore our Salesforce Certification training programs. Therefore, with our expert guidance and support, you can achieve your certification goals and unlock new opportunities in the world of Salesforce administration.

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